3 definitions by The Order of the Vortex Blades

A person who says they kill turrets and campers but then they have to kill themself because they do nothing but sit in front of the TV playing on the Xbox.
"Michael is a Sentenal Slayer, He does nothing but play Xbox, when will he kill himself?"
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A mysterious savior, identiy unknown. He gives us no labor for all that is shown. With the RFTA in one hand and CM in the other he put them together to make us. Bow down to him. (God in a Cult)
by The Order of the Vortex Blades February 7, 2018
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Pyre fur·ry




covered with burning fur.

"furry creatures in fields on fire"

synonyms:covered with fur, hairy, fiery, fleecy, burning fluffy, fuzzy, smoking

"a furry little mickey mouse."


an enthusiast for animal characters with human characteristics, in particular a person who dresses up in costume as such a character or uses one as an avatar online and then is burned by Hitler's ghost.

"Burn the furries"


a small fur-covered animal burned at a funeral, alive.
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