1 definition by The Opp

A divine QUEEN. She appears hard on the outside but inside she’s just as cold if you cross her. Otherwise, she’s simply magnetic. Even when she’s cold, she’s hard to not want around. She’s extremely beautiful and gives the best head. But that’s only if you’re lucky enough to get it. She’s a mystery everyone wants to solve. She loves hard but hates even harder. She can be a true bitch and her words are lethal when angered but it never changes her love for you. She is typically artistically talented and fashion forward. Women envy her and all of their men’s want her. But she never checks for ANYONE so MOST times peoples men are safe. She’s witty, pretty and always gets down to the nitty gritty. Her investigation skills are through the ROOF! and I ain’t talking German Shepard. CIA ain’t got shit on her.
You are so Catresse.

I dream of a Catresse.
by The Opp November 23, 2021
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