1 definition by The One they call Otter

Writing a Facebook status to/about someone without mentioning their name. A tactic typically employed by 15 year old girls, however one that has become an alarming trend among grown men (and adults in general) who display an apparent lack of testicular fortitude. The Status is usually followed by dot dot dot and a Wink Emoticon to accentuate the passive aggressive "I'm better than you" overtones.

The Status author is so blinded by his over blown sense of self worth that he generally fails to realize that he looks like a complete Bitch and spineless fool.
I remember when I was a Skateboarder, I was 12. Some people need to get a grip.

Dave: I wonder who Mark is talking about. He's Vaguebooking again.
Fred: Possibly me, because I still Skateboard at 32.
Dave: Dude needs to grow some balls. He comes across like such a whiney little Bitch.
by The One they call Otter July 20, 2013
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