4 definitions by The Narrow Path

A mantra of the 21st century, ominously similar to that of extremist religious inquisitions that would burn a 'witch 'at the stake for not conforming to a curated version of reality. It is a phrase repeated almost robotically by those who worship characters who wear religious garments -- I mean white lab coats.

'Trust the science' is obviously an inherently flawed idiom of people who do not understand the ideas they want others to conform to, as demonstrable reality, aka real Science does not require faith. Ergo, if someone tells you to trust the science -- run for the hills.
Normie: Will you just trust the science? Don't you know scientists have done science things?
Chad: How does one trust in science...
by The Narrow Path December 21, 2021
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The polar opposite of a Normie: they are just as extreme and unsuspecting of their brainwashing, as the normie is of theirs. They will claim that because Alex Jones said the elite sacrifice children at the altar of Moloch in Bohemian Grove, it must be true. They will also scoff at the proposition that germ theory is a completely fraud, and that no virus has ever been truly isolated (in the true definition of the word), then demonstrated to cause illness in healthy organisms.

All Normies who 'wake up', becoming disillusioned with their curated world-view, are destined to become a Conspiratard before truly understanding the complex depth of corruption, and malevolent intelligence behind every single facet of life.

The Conspiratard world view may be considered a sort of spiritual purgatory, whereby their ego must become purified, thus come to the understanding that the only thing they know for sure is that they know nothing at all. Upon leaving this spiritual purgatory, the Conspiratard becomes enlightened, recognising that the only way they can come to know reality is to experience it for themselves and apply logic and reason to all issues, even those they are personally inclined to believe.
Conspiratard: Did you know the US military has admitted to being in contact with interdimensional aliens known as the galactic federation and are going to solve all the worlds problems?
Normie: Did you know the US military has admitted to being in contact with interdimensional aliens known as the galactic federation and are going to solve all the worlds problems?
Conspiratard: ...
Normie: ...

Auto-hoaxer: Gee, that sounds an awful lot like the Qanon narrative.
Conspiratard: OMG. you are such a libtard. WWG1WGA. Enjoy the show *firework emoji*
Auto-hoaxer: *Grabs popcorn*
by The Narrow Path December 22, 2021
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A delusion of a weak, easily-subdued mind, that believes there exists a person who has more rights than others, and thus has the ability to dictate what reality is and isn't, or should and shouldn't be.

98% of people believe in 'Authority', whether it be Authority through popularity, financial status, or PHDs earned after decades of blindly following a 'reality' that has been curated for you by others, who fallaciously claim to have Authority.

History, if accurate, has shown time and time again that those who follow the status quo (I.e the majority) are the ones that stop society from progressing and allow atrocities to be committed in the name of preserving a (flawed) paradigm.
Sheep: OMG, did you see the new vaccine mandates?
Chad: Idgaf lol, what authority do mandates have over me?
Sheep: Wtf bigot?? trust the science
by The Narrow Path December 21, 2021
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A place a human-being is sent against their will to receive a washing of the brain, so as to stamp out independent thought and deep contemplation associated with meta-cognition and philosophy. An indoctrination camp will relentlessly smash into the brain of unsuspecting children ideas such as Germ Theory, Theory of Evolution, Dinosaurs, Helio-centrism etc, etc.
Sheep: Gonna send my little Johnny to the indoctrination camps so he can get his PHD and continue to push the absurdities of the modern world into the next generations.
Sarah: Are you stupid?
by The Narrow Path December 21, 2021
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