1 definition by The Lord Abortion

Xbox LIVE Moderator who was brought to the attention of people after he banned someone on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and was taped doing so. The video was uploaded to YouTube under the name 'The Pro: XBOX Live Moderator Abuses His Power', the video itself was disregarded by Microsoft as it was heavily edited, showing The Pro in a bad light. The unedited video, however, shows a different view.

The banned user, iTzLuPo, says he glitches and mods in his profile biography. The Pro banned him for modding, which is listed as a bannable offense by Microsoft.

If you are interested in seeing the video, I strongly suggest watching the unedited version, which will show the behaviour which caused the user to be banned.
I told some modders to go send a message to The Pro, idiots, they did and were suprised when they got banned! Didn't they know he was a Moderator?
by The Lord Abortion May 2, 2010
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