13 definitions by The Intimidating British Guy

The youtube cat that's so antisocial that it cant handle being given flower.
Girl: No, here is your flower
Flower Cat: No, that's not true! That's impossible!
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The creepy old guy who watches you through the curtains. His catchphrase is GET OF MY LAWN
Me: do you think he's a boomer
Boomer *yelling*: GET OF MY LAWN
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the only shows worth binge-watching. The best one is Modern Family. (Why is everyone so obsessed with Friends! IT'S NOT EVEN THAT GOOD!)
Me: You watched any sitcoms lately?
Him: Yeah! I love Fre...
Me: If you say Friends, I will kill you
Him: I like Modern Family, Modern Family's good
Me: That's better!
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Brits who went to America killed the natives and were too stingy to pay the small tea tax. They went mad because of the tea deprivation and decided they wanted independence! They swore never ever to drink tea ever again.
Me: Do you at least have a kettle!
Americans: *sweating*
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What you call a Karen when you're having a bad day.
I'm sorry, lady, but you're going to have to wait in line like everybody else.
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The season when you're forced to be happy. If your not, a fat communist comes and beats you up. He enslaves little people who make stuff and fuel consumerism. The fat man in red breaks into your house and delivers gifts which your parents pay for. None of the gifts are free and the 'santa' man is secretly a trillionaire who sells people stuff. Santa is communist but he has his factory in china where he makes the cheap plastic toys.
Society: Santa Claus is coming to town
Me: Christmas already!? It's the jolly fat man! Run for your lives!
by The Intimidating British Guy August 12, 2021
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