1 definition by The GREAT potato :)

A state of mind that causes you to feel the inner desire to sleep but not be able to. To scream, but your vocal chords won't open wide enough to allow the sound and you do random things such as stalk facebook users you barely or dont know and/or picking youre nose with chopsticks. If you are feeling one or many of those symptoms. You are one of two things:

1- Bored .
2- Have no life .
3- Both .
So today I wake up and look at my clock that read 7: 45. I thought, I dont feel like getting up right now, wait til' 8. 8 comes along and I'm still staring at the clock waiting for the seconds to pass while my mother is upstairs baking PANCAKES . (which I got cold because of my boredom)
by The GREAT potato :) September 23, 2009
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