3 definitions by The Facts matter

Breeding is the action of male and female animals having sex (or mating) to reproduce, and procreate.

Animals, including Humans breed with members of the opposite sex within their own species due to a desire for sexual pleasure, and the need to propagate the next generation.

Without Breeding no Human being would be alive. Thus Breeding is essential to the existence of Humans and all animals (except for the ones that reproduce asexually).

Heterosexual sex is the only kind of sex that can be described as Breeding.
Go and thank your parents for breeding so that you could be alive.
by The Facts matter August 4, 2019
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Mating is the action of male and female animals having sex (or breeding) to reproduce, and procreate.

Animals, including Humans mate with members of the opposite sex within their own species due to a desire for sexual pleasure, love, and the need to propagate the next generation.

Without Mating no Human being would be alive. Thus Mating is technically essential to the existence of Humans (and the vast majority of other animals).

Heterosexual sex is the only kind of sex that can be described as Mating.
If your Mother and Father had not participated in mating with each other, you would not be alive.
by The Facts matter August 7, 2019
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To Breed means to partake in the action of Breeding.
Breeding is the action of male and female animals having sex (or mating) to reproduce, and procreate.

Animals, including Humans breed with members of the opposite sex within their own species due to a desire for sexual pleasure, love, and the need to propagate the next generation.

Without Breeding no Human being would be alive. Thus Breeding is essential to the existence of Humans and animals (unless they are a part of the small minority of species that reproduce asexually).

Heterosexual sex is the only kind of sex that can be described as Breeding.
Breeding leads to the creation of life. You wouldn't be here without it.
by The Facts matter August 4, 2019
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