1 definition by The 'Beaver'

1) The act of persecuting, bullying, discriminating, and/or committing crimes against or upon another individual(s) or group of persons based on, because of, or due to their moral or Christian or Jewish beliefs, or/and disability, or due to their religious appearance or speech (Nun, Sister, Priest, etc); 2) for a, or because of, difference(s) of (a) moral religion or beliefs, righteous lifestyle, or because the victim worships or serving the only Living GOD of Israel; 3) The act of doing crimes or persecuting the moral without a justifiable cause; 4) judicial discrimination against an employee, defendant, or plaintiff because of moral beliefs or faith, moral act, or moral stance/stand; 5) The act of committing a crime(s) to acquire the land, property (ies), business, home, or possession(s) of a Christian, Jew, disabled, or aged person; 6) the hatred of righteousness, goodness, wisdom, and/or morality; 7) Is the BASIS of terrorism see: the UN International definition of Terrorism, and USA Federal law The Patriot Act; 8) An action or act that causes a Christian or Jew displacement (Federal law); 9) To force a person's will or immorality upon upon a person of moral beliefs or faith because of hate for their religious differences or beliefs; 10) To fulfill, make, and/or act upon threats made to another based on the victim's Christian or Jewish faith, religion, or beliefs (Biblical, Christian, Torah).
"It is anti-semitism to persecute a Christian or Jew, simply because you are a Pagan".; " I am going to change your (their) life !'; " I have anti-semitism against you for your moral beliefs and stand !"; "We are going to human traffic them, because they are a Jew and we are not !"; "The political Party committed anti-semitism today....".
by The 'Beaver' April 8, 2019
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