1 definition by Thatkidfromdownthestreet

Is the name given to the most craziest girl you'll ever meet (in a good way). She's weird. You won't be missing anything if you're with her. Cecilia is a mixture of both beauty and a great personality. She is very rare, which makes her special. She's the kind of person that is caring towards others when she wants to, has a good sense of humor, fun to be around with, and mysterious in some ways. If you need someone to talk to she will be there 100% of the time with you. Cecilia is also very shy at fist, but once you get to know her, you'll see that she's the loudest animal living on the planet. Cecilia is a classy individual with a face that makes people take a double look at her. She can have anyone she wants, but once she finds the one she is incredibly faithful and loyal to the one she chooses. Her words always match her actions, and she is the type of woman to put a smile on your face, and help relax you at the end of the day. If you let her go, you will regret it until the day you die. Cecilia is the type you want to marry.
by Thatkidfromdownthestreet October 17, 2017
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