3 definitions by ThatbruhmomentwhenBISTOSisgay

Fiona is the most Jewish person you will ever fucking meet. If you drop a penny, she will RUN from where she is to grab it. She spends most of her time singing Hanukah songs and hates anyone who celebrates Christmas.
Did you see Fiona stick a Hanukkah candle up her ass?
by ThatbruhmomentwhenBISTOSisgay November 28, 2019
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Dat kid who swiped up on Bianca’s yolo, dat kid who always cappin, dat kid who always fucking 6’2’’, dat mf who beats his wife/wives/children.
Bro Mike B seriously cappin
Mike B is tall as shit
Mike B beat his kids last night and it was soooo funny
Did you see what Mike B said on Bianca’s yolo
by ThatbruhmomentwhenBISTOSisgay November 27, 2019
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