1 definition by ThatOneChick>:)

Kirina is a very positive person. In fact, she is the most positive person you will ever meet. She looks like a cinnamon roll, and she is, but she will go psycho if you mess with her and her friends. She can clean up nicely, and yes Kirina wrote this because I am the only Kirina on this planet man I swear. Lol anyways she is a bit of a nerd but also extremely chill. Warning: She's a major hugger and likes cuddles but her hugs are seriously the best. You can act comfortable around her to where people might think you're dating even though you're not. Honestly you could talk about things you would only talk about in your journal and she would listen and wouldn't ever judge you.
Kirina's my best friend, I'm very lucky.

Person 1: "She's weird, but she's awesome and kind"
Person 2 ""That's Kirina for you!"
by ThatOneChick>:) April 28, 2021
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