2 definitions by That0ne_User

A france idiot, apart from the name, doesn't have to be someone of the descent. It simply means an idiot, nincompoop, or someone of low IQ or brain capacity. This phrase must be stated with the stereotypical french accent on the france part of the phrase.
by That0ne_User April 21, 2022
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the action of hitting a part of your body in a way that your nerves seem to do a hard reset. (stubbing your toe, hitting your funny bone, etc.)
"Hey man hows it go- OWW! I just marfled!"
"I marfled! I hit my elbow!"
"Oh, you hit your funny bone?"
"I'm not a child Steven, the proper term is marfling your elbow."
"Hmm. I've never heard that word before. So, why's you come and see me?"
by That0ne_User July 11, 2023
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