3 definitions by That dude 1time

A state of being. When your so fucked up in the head and the Couey has ahold onto your every emotion.
I dont know how he has me wrapped around his finger like he does. Damn i must be coueyfied
by That dude 1time March 21, 2022
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Someone who has short and long term memory loss that comes and goes either way but never in a pattern. His particular individuals can't forget what they're talking about while they're speaking about it. But at the same time remember things that happened days ago that are now irrelevant.
I swear Danny has shlongtermalzheimentia, he can't remember stealing denos stuff but he can remember donating candy to the foster foundation!
by That dude 1time March 3, 2023
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When you fill your girls pussy with shit then fuck her til it burns
Man this nasty bitch wanted an Alabama hot pocket
by That dude 1time January 25, 2020
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