2 definitions by Thapplzchamp

Providing a more intimate connection while engaging but not limited to casual sexual encounters. Typically entails more of emotional contact through eye contact, intimate touches, kisses, and cuddling. While typical casual encounters and NSA are primarily centered on sex, a SHS also involves cuddling, romance, kissing, holding hands, foreplay, and etc. In some cases, the SHS doesn’t have to involve sex or intercourse until a later date, or not at all.
In the climate of hook up NSA culture,he provided me with a sweetheart session (shs) which made it more meaningful to me.
by Thapplzchamp July 16, 2020
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A Bleek is a Black geek. They are not new trends, they fit in the Americana tradition of elevating the sub culture into a movement. The movement Bleeks (the people and the word) lives in Geekdom. A Geek is essentially a fan-boy or fan-girl that GEEK OUT with certain thingsthat are collection oriented, gathering facts and mementos related to their subject of interest. They can be obsessed with the newest, coolest, trendiest things that their subject has to offer. Bleeks and Geeks are more socially adaptable where the nerd is a bit more socially inept.

They are obsessed with comic books, video games etc. like the Nerd but they are cool and socially adaptable where the nerd is a bit more socially inept. A Nerd is academic or idea base.
A Bleek is a Black geek.

Adonis is a Bleek not a blerd.

I’m a BLEEK, not a BLERD. A BLEEK tends to be used for someone passionate about things with a science or popular culture origin.
by Thapplzchamp October 19, 2021
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