1 definition by ThIs SmIle Is FiXeD

I would like to ask every 15 yr. old kid with spiked green hair and pre-ripped hot topic pants with anarchy symbol stitched into them,to define anarchy.What more do I need to say.
PERSON 1:You know that dumbass kid down the street with the anarchy symbol on his POLO shirt?
PERSON 2:What about him?
PERSON 1:Yeah,he thinks he's so damn cool because he has every Good Charlotte
album in the world even the unreleased songs that he downloaded off of his
lap-top,and he conforms to his mommy and private school and clarinet lessons
because he's a fag shitheAd!!
Person 2:Chill out ay.
by ThIs SmIle Is FiXeD May 31, 2004
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