49 definitions by ThE DoctoR

Term used to describe attempts, usually by kids, to recreate in their own back yards the kind of wrestling seen on television. Often done innocent of the fact that tv wrestling is well-planned and executed choroegraphed theatrical stunts, it can and frequently does lead to broken bones and other serious injury.
The poor kid got a concussion when his friend hit him in the head with a chair while they were backyard wrestling.
by ThE DoctoR November 7, 2004
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In common usage, generally any young hispanic/Mexican-American males perceived (through similarity of garb, haircuts, etc.) to be members of a street gang. Actual gang in Southern California dates back to and rivals the Hell's Angels
"I think those Mexican guys standing on the corner are probably pachucos."
by ThE DoctoR September 28, 2004
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I'm completely fagged after walking five miles!
by ThE DoctoR September 27, 2004
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In craps (dice), slang term for throwing two sixes (at total of twelve).
by ThE DoctoR January 9, 2005
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A slithering human who causes trouble and annoyance eg. Nic wells
by ThE DoctoR May 14, 2012
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man that camels fat or man thats one pregnant camel
by ThE DoctoR March 22, 2005
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