1 definition by Texaslonghorned

An intelligent woman lacking the intelligence to know who or what is right for her. She always will want to be there for you but doesn't always deliver.A fun and whitty person and can really surprise you when you least expect it. Not afraid of commitment but rarely will reach a point where that is an option. A mind of passion and a heart of a lion, she will show you her soft side but don't hurt it or you may get an unwanted consequence either physically or mentally. Strong minded and somewhat open to change but her pet pieves are solid and her desires are only known to whom she trust. Kendi is the woman who can build you up or cut you down quicker and easier than a hot knife through butter. If you get a chance to have one love you, get ready for a taste of heaven if it's sincere. She has the best scent loaded with pheremones that will make a man perk up from across a crowded room. She is a unicorn. Don't let Kendi be the one who got away.
Wow! Did you see that guy running for his life? Was he running to or away from something?
I did see that! But who knows his destination? I will garentee though Kendi must be involved!
by Texaslonghorned April 6, 2020
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