2 definitions by TetsuchiYamashiro

A term used to describe the act of saving your game repeatedly, typically before a tough mission, or before performing some action with a low success rate. Analogous to throwing as many darts as necessary until you hit the target, it allows the player to achieve a "perfect run", using as few resources as possible, with no repercussions for failure, since you can simply reload the save if you aren't satisfied with the outcome.

Tends to be associated with Bethesda games in particular, as they allow saving whenever the player chooses, though examples can be found in many other titles, especially the Dark Souls franchise on PC, where many players make saves through 3rd party applications or by hand, right before a major boss fight, in order to waste as little time returning to the boss gate and to conserve items such as one time heals or one use damage and defense buffs.
"Did you beat that super tough mission yesterday?"

"Yeah, but I had to Scum Save my way through every fight. I was just too under-leveled to go through it for real."
by TetsuchiYamashiro March 9, 2020
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A scum fuck, who has scammed his massive child audience out of their parents money, no less than 3 times now, who also claimed that anxiety and depression don't really exist and are all in your head, as well as making a diss track on teachers, who did nothing wrong, are way too underpaid to deal with the kids he's turning against them, and who only try their best to help their students grow and be successful. As if that wasn't enough, a teacher came out with a response, also a diss track, and showed the blonde Ohio brat up with the line "some of these kids see me, more than their own dads". Embarrassed and disgraced, he then shifted to calling out "internet bullies" like Cody Ko and Noel Miller, two comedians who have single handedly kept Jake relevant.

As of writing this at the start of 2020, it is a common opinion that Jake Paul is less mature, more petty and childish, and more of a scumbag than his brother, Logan Paul, who, after filming a dead body and setting the internet ablaze, appears to have matured into a better, more responsible, more respectful person, than his brother, who is still attempting to remain relevant by stealing from his audience.

TLDR, someone who is worse than any combination of politicians, dictators, and serial killers imaginable.
"Bro, did you see Tommy at that party the other day?"

"Totally. Wasn't he begging for sympathy and money by pretending he had cancer and alzheimers?"

"Yeah, that's the guy. He was being such a Jake Paul."
by TetsuchiYamashiro March 9, 2020
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