3 definitions by Testostices McSourpenis

A crude term for an individual with an alarmingly large number of STD/STIs or love bugs, regardless of whether they show signs of them or not.
Shit Monkey: "That whore of a man, Testicle Tim, has slept around so much that he's finally contracted every STD known to man."

Fuckhead Fred: "Hey, he be gots them 50 Shades of AIDS!"

Shit Monkey: "You fucking dumbass, there are way more VDs than AIDS."
by Testostices McSourpenis August 31, 2019
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A married woman who forgoes sexual intimacy with her spouse for no particular reason, although both parties are somehow satisfied with the arrangement

Used by those on the outside looking in as a way to poke fun at such a bizarre state of affairs
Kevin: "I know Woodrow is married and all, but he's always come across as a virgin to me."

Tanner: "Oh, I'll bet my left nut's tumor he is. His wife's practically an indentured escort."

Kevin: "Yeah. What better way to consummate the marriage than to remain celibate indefinitely, am I right?"
by Testostices McSourpenis March 11, 2023
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What you call a mobile home/trailer when you have to much pride to tell people you live in a glorified meth lab.
Richard: "Yo, Kyle. Have you heard about my new modular home?"

Kyle: "What the hell, Wings!? I could've sworn you just moved into that trailer."

by Testostices McSourpenis September 18, 2022
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