1 definition by Tenna Deinra

1. Adj. Possessing a nature of being extremely excitable upon the entrance of an acquaintance, friend, or love that has not been seen by the subject for what would seem like a long time for the subject, but is usually considered a short time. Can also describe someone who glomps a lot.

2. Adj. Describing a nature of being glomp-happy.

Very often, glomp-happy people are extremely cheerful and bubbly, but cheerfulness and bubbliness do not necessarily indicate a glomp-happy nature.
"Kaira's a really glomp-happy person. Just look right there."

Kaira: OhmygodIhaven'tseenyousince... this morning! *glompglomp*
by Tenna Deinra March 30, 2006
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