1 definition by Tenmidpodette

Synonym: "Foe confidence"

A leisurely used word to describe a comment that is either too confidently said and/or is used as a way to cover major insecurity that is 100% fuck no.

"As time progresses things mutate and become much different and they evolve"-Chris D'elia at 2:00 of Ten Minute Podcast's episode "TMP- Hit Based"

Pyramid of Evolution/Latin Roots:

Hieugh 'nsecure
Hieu 'nsecure
Hie 'nsecure
Hit 'nsecure
Hit Based.
Bryan *while holding a pop tart of a phone*: "I was shooting a TV show in Alaska, by the way, a hunting show."
Chris: "That is hit based as fuck, dude."
Will: "Hit based for sure."
by Tenmidpodette October 20, 2014
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