3 definitions by Temmie Attano

A situation where everything or almost everything is important or a clue to something else.
Like the Chekov's Gun, but a lot bigger.
I remember when people didn't treat FNAF like a Chekov's Army.
by Temmie Attano November 12, 2016
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An adjective describing a Youtube video that breaks enough advertiser-friendly guidelines to be considered not advertiser-friendly by the people watching the video, but not by the robot who determines whether the video is advertiser-friendly or not.
Boobs, violence, and swearing- and I still have to watch midroll ads.
God, this guy is a master at being antitiser-friendly.
by Temmie Attano October 12, 2017
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An expression used to describe when a character in a movie does something that
has no clear motivation whatsoever.
Originally used by I Hate Everything for his Search For The Worst series.
Then the hero sacrifices himself for everyone else.
Because Movie.
by Temmie Attano November 12, 2016
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