2 definitions by Telverex_HairyToes12

A word used to describe the mold on Watermelon 🍉
by Telverex_HairyToes12 August 28, 2021
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A made up animal with a nose on its toes typically has lots of toe jam. It was said to be seen 9/2/21 in Washington state by a six year old blonde boy. The boy describes it as looking similar to a rhinoceros. This leads us to believe that it is a brand new type of rhino and will be named the boofus.
"Timmy I saw a boofus the other day! It was over at the lake standing in the water!"

Timmy: "Must of been suffocating itself! Is it okay?"
by Telverex_HairyToes12 September 3, 2021
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