2 definitions by TeenageGirl

Male of the species 13-?(it is greatly unknown until at what age a guy grows out of his instincts of pubescent idiocy). Often identified by moronic immature actions, obscenity , hormones so thick in their blood you can practically smell them, and obliviousness to the world around him.
The other day I watched 3 teenage boys in a shopping cart racing down a dirt hill, they crashed at the bottem.

They still color on the faces in our textboooks. That should've started and ended in 5th grade.

Guys just can't seem to take a hint! would it kill them to pay attention once and a while. The report was due yesterday, we have homework tonight, I smiled, I flipped my hair, I wore your favorite color today, and all you can pay attention to is that racy picture of Megan Fox on your binder.
by TeenageGirl August 7, 2009
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