2 definitions by Taxen

The second MMO in the anime series "Final Fantasy" that takes people's money and prevents them from trying out or playing any other video games. Usually one of the games that causes your friends to undermine multiple series for not being made by Sqaure Enix
Guy 1: Hey man, what are you doing today?
Guy 2: Playing Final Fantasy XIV
Guy 1: you wanna maybe play Tekken later?
Guy 2: nah sounds lame, but you should buy Final Fantasy XIV and play with me instead

Guy 1: Didn't you say you were going to try out Persona 3 the other day?
Guy 2: Yeah but it's not final fantasy so it's obviously anime garbage, lemme get like 50 more hours into Final Fantasy XIV real quick
by Taxen July 31, 2018
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The catchphrase of the company Atlus's mascot "Jack Frost" usually phrased with "hee" and "ho" together or far apart in a singular sentence or across multiple sentences
Hee to the ho and we gotta go.
I'll pound the hee ho outta you.
Buy it or I'll commit suicide hee ho.
Hee ho hold the fuck up.
These urban dictionary editors hee don't like publishing well known catchphrases ho.
by Taxen July 31, 2018
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