1 definition by Taumate

Taumate is a person who cares more about other people’s feelings than hers. She often puts them first before herself. However sometimes, she overreacts and turns her anger against everyone she loves and everything she loves doing without intention, but she still tries her best to avoid hurting the people she loves and think that having that weakness is no excuse to hurting them. She is more selfless and a little selfish when she knows it’s appropriate. She is talented and smart, even the things she has failed to do many times, she tries to gain the passion to do so until she succeeds. She doesn’t express her feelings directly through words, if she does, she doesn’t get satisfied with her explanation. Instead, she finds a different way that is more simple and interesting like music. She is a little arrogant at times, meanwhile she loves whoever she chooses to love with all honesty and loyalty even if he does not give the same effort as she gives. Even her friends gets annoyed by how she doesn’t give up on love that seems to be toxic for her. She’s not perfect, sometimes she feels not pretty, but she’s a fighter, she’s a star, she’s a total package anyone would wish to have once they get to know her.
She is Taumate, a fighter, a talented and smart person.
by Taumate December 7, 2021
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