10 definitions by TanorFaux

It means "I Love You!" in number code. Using the numbers above the first letter of each word. It is useful when you want to say "I love you" in a safe and not-as-awkward way. You just say '896'. If they understand the number code, they should say either:

'8962' or 8965'

If they understand it, but they do not love you, they say:

83696, meaning I do not love you. They can also say: 866, meaning "I hate you."
Guy responds to his girlfriend's last post: 896
Girl responds to his boyfriend: 896 2!!!

Guy responds to his ex-girlfriend: 896...
Ex responds to his ex-boyfriend: 83696!!
by TanorFaux March 23, 2014
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The para-psychological ability to see something in the future without it happening yet, most of the time it happens in one's dreams and one of the several real world extrasensory abilities.

Most people have this already if they have abnormal subconscious and psychological issues, but without any mental concentration or vividness of the mind, one rarely gets it. Those who are true full psychics or half psychics can cause them to happen more often.

Premonition is mostly dream-based (you can have them when you are awake too, but daydreaming at the same time.) and one does or cannot control them.

Unless you constantly meditate every day and know how to do so correctly of course, otherwise any parapsychological ESP like precognition and premonition are by accident in most normal humans.

People seldom remember dreams, they will not remember having the premonition or precognition unless they have an epiphany later on and remember having it at that moment.
Goku from Dragon Ball is shown to be capable of having ESP abilities.

Precognition and Premonition are examples. When he has bad dreams or nightmares, he has premonitions of villains that he has not personally seen yet.

When he has good dreams, he has precognition of the future, able to know what is going on without having to be personally there. This was proven when he was bed ridden with the Heart Virus and he claimed to know what was happening even if he wasn't conscious half the time.

He had a nightmare of two Saiyans (Nappa and Vegeta) attacking his wife and son in a filler episode, it was a premonition. That's how he was able to know what they looked like people!

Gohan, (Goku's Son) had a premonition of Cell in a nightmare, the one who bitchslapped Chi-Chi to death and stepped on her neck and one-shots Piccolo and steps on his head.

Odd from the french anime: Code Lyoko, has precognition and premonitions often in the first season, most of the time it was Aelita, Yumi or Ulrich in danger.
by TanorFaux August 2, 2012
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1. n. A term when in an argument, and you are reversing everything the other person is saying in an attempt to get them to fault in their own argument. You are also probably holding up a mirror in front of your face towards the other person to emphasize this. (It works well in some arguments.)

2. n. A certain mystical item used to reverse the effects of other certain mystical items used by the opponent. Such as, if one used the Serpent's Tail and become ghost-like when passing through walls and such, the reversing mirror would reverse this, and the person will be solid. A ghost that uses this, will become solid as well.

3. n. A mirror that you would want to break, because instead of 7 years of bad luck, it'll give you 7 years of good luck.

Woman: Why must you always do this, that and this other thing that you always do!
Man *holding a mirror*: Why must you always do this, that, and this other thing that you always do!
Woman: *cue frustration, and storming off*

Fighter 1: *goes into give a punch in the face*
Fighter 2: *uses the Reversing Mirror, opponent punches self in the face.*

Dojo: Hah! You broke a mirror! Now you'll have 7 years of bad luck! IN YOUR FACE! 8D
Wuya: Actually, since it's the reversing mirror, I'll have 7 years of good luck. |)
Dojo: o-o, *runs*
by TanorFaux December 9, 2011
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