1 definition by Talking dictionary

Yegor is a person that you will rarely encounter. He is smart, creative, silly and sometimes very stubborn. He is antisocial and has a really small friendship circle, so if you do become his friend count yourself lucky. Most probably, if you meet him he isn't in a relationship with anyone. But if you are able to make him love you... he will love you for the rest of his life. Yegor is always happy if everyone is following two rules:
Don't be dumb, and if you are, learn from your mistakes
Act logically.
If not, then you might encounter his dark and evil side. Then his actions will be uncontrollable and sometimes evil, and trust me, you shouldn't get on his evil side.
You're friends with Yegor? No way, that can't be true!
by Talking dictionary April 26, 2019
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