2 definitions by TI99

A number of employees necessary or sufficient to have a insignificant effect or to achieve no results.
Wow, that company was great when it had 10 employees. Now just look at the mess it became after reaching pitiful mass.

Manager: "Thank god for cubicles or we would never have reached pitiful mass!"
by TI99 May 3, 2008
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When speaking to another person the speaker realizes they are accidently quoting an 80s song. Instead of just finishing the thought the speaker starts singing.
Dude you know you are a heart (singing) breaker dream maker love taker don't you mess around with me no-no-no!

Wake me up (singing) before you go-go. 'Cause I'm not plannin'' on going solo. Dude you just had a pat attack!
by TI99 May 3, 2008
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