2 definitions by THIS is Bqnana 🥞

Disgusting food that either has poo, or undercooked “stuff” in it. Our school had someone who found a real tooth in his sausage. Yeah, I think they got sued. I don’t get why people buy. The sausage comes in WATER. I have to watch people eat it. Also the vegetables. The broccoli looks like a bad diarrhea but worse. Then the ladies put cheese on it. CHEESE! The corn has some kernels that are black, and carrots are mushy. Eat at your own risk, the pancakes that come in bags are edible though since they’re Pillsbury brand.
by THIS is Bqnana 🥞 December 16, 2018
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A pretty man, who has perfect hair and scary fangirls. He’s an elf, and Link is jealous of him. Broke his ribs falling off a horse.
I made my first Legolas Greenleaf fan art today! 🧝 ♂️
by THIS is Bqnana 🥞 May 28, 2019
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