3 definitions by T2dak

When you use the DuckDuckGo private search engine to search for random terms and add the word ‘sex’ after it - making sure the safety filter is off.
Q: Scott, what did you do on the weekend?

A: I spent hours quackcopadoodlingboiled egg’ and got surprising yet unsurprising results. I’ll never look at a boiled egg the same way again!
by T2dak March 24, 2019
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I got to puppysit last night while my sister entertained her CFB!
by T2dak April 10, 2020
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The feeling of satisfaction from peeling a large piece of eggshell from a boiled egg.

Verb: the act of peeling a large piece of eggshell from a boiled egg
Man, peeling a boiled egg can be so frustrating as the shell comes off in tiny little pieces but sometimes, you get a really big piece and it just feels amazing, like cruffleaupop!
by T2dak March 14, 2019
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