13 definitions by T. Walsh / Ronan XVII

NQ: Not Qualified
Acronym adjective for the description of the physical or mental prowess of a person (people) performing a task. Often used in a covert manner to your co-workers/friends
1. That guy was totally out of his league... he is NQ to the max.
2. There is a lot of NQ here.
by T. Walsh / Ronan XVII January 3, 2005
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Descriptor of poor quality performance derived from the popular 70's gameshow 'The Gong Show' where amateur acts which were deemed unworthy were 'gonged' and the performers would leave the stage in a funk of disappointment & shattered dreams.

A 1970's version of 'being voted off the island'
John: Man, that movie sucked! The acting was pathetic at best!
Fred: That shit should have been gonged!
by T. Walsh / Ronan XVII January 6, 2005
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A short, indifferent-sounding grunt whose meaning far exceeds the audible expression.

The non-committal grunt is neither a refusal nor agreement; rather, it prompts continuation of the conversation without exposing your position. It can also be used in lieu of the Yup, especially those cases where you want to avoid inadvertent agreement.

Can be employed as a more politically correct version of whatever or pfft.

When deploying the non-committal grunt, one must understand that they are stating the following:
“I hear you and acknowledge that you have stated your position and are expecting a reply before continuing; however, at this juncture I am not committing to subscribing to your point of view.”
“Lol, the chick was going on & on so I tuned her out, and after a while I realized that she was looking for some type of response so I just gave her a non-committal grunt & she kept yapping - that worked just fine”
“You are the man!”
by T. Walsh / Ronan XVII October 17, 2009
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Phrase made necessary by those people or situations that have surpassed conventional methods of assessment.

fucked up Def #1/5 fuck up Def #4 monkey fuck Def #1

1. An inept person who is totally incapable of living without fucking up or messing up everything within their grasp.
One whose actions has culminated in the acheivement of this, the highest plateau of fucking up.
2. When a situation is completely messed up from a-z and there is zero chance of recovery.
1. They put a fucked-up fuckup monkey fuck in charge who had no idea how to manage, so the place went tits-up.
2. The whole job had been ruined by mismanagement. There was absolutely nothing correct, and it was beyond salvage. It was a total fucked-up fuckup monkey fuck.
by T. Walsh / Ronan XVII January 4, 2005
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Yup is a generic term of agreement issued often by a non-listening party, typically used while performing an additional important task, such as watching tv.

If you are the yupper, by yupping someone, you are not bound in any sense by your agreement, since you didn't hear what it was you were agreeing to. If you are later asked to perform the task, you then have the option to admit that you had yupped the person and ignore the task, or pretend that you had really listened & just go along with the yuppee.

If you are the yuppee, and you recognize that you are being yupped, you can call the yupper's actions & state "you're yupping me" or "I'm being yupped", whereupon the yupper may admit the yupping action and feel mild embarrassment, but there will be no permanent damage.

yupping, being yupped, yupper, yuppee are all derived from the root 'yup'
Woman: Oh I got some great shoes at the mall, do you like them dear?
Man (watching tv): yup
Woman: so we're going to go back later, are you coming with us?
Man (watching tv): : yup
*2 hours later*
Woman: ok, let's go
Man: where?
Woman: to the mall? you said you'd come with me later?
Man - option 1: oh, I was just yupping you, I'm staying here
Man - option 2: yea that's right, let me grab my coat
by T. Walsh / Ronan XVII January 4, 2005
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derived from the ancient delicacy of pepperettes, which are intensely fat-laden mini-pepperoni sausages.
boy: Hey mom, can I have a fat on a stick?
mother: Go ahead son
by T. Walsh / Ronan XVII January 4, 2005
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The ancient art of excreting solid waste and then leaving the toilet unflushed.
Upon discovery by the next user, they note that previous occupant 'left it'
Awwww damn! Who left it? This thing is almost a foot long! Dude! You reek!
by T. Walsh / Ronan XVII January 4, 2005
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