1 definition by T. Phill

America: A sport that is obsessed over by almost everyone, even though the game is boring to watch due to constant pauses in the game. Is highly physical resulting in many health problems later in life. Is talked 99.9% of the time on Sports Center, even when it is the offseason.

The rest of the World: A sport that is obsessed over by almost everyone. Reffered to as "soccer" in America, is actually pretty exciting to watch, but can get frustrating as injuries are faked almost every 25 seconds
America: Person 1 "Hey did you see that segment on sportscenter about

Person 2 "Which one?"

The rest of the World: Person 1 "OMG that was an amazing goal!.....OMG that
guy is being taking off on a stretcher, did you see what happened?"

Person 2 " He got bumped into"

by T. Phill July 1, 2007
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