1 definition by T-SpinTriple!

An interpretation of opinion or intent (especially a black-or-white one) based on a vague, intermediate statement, or multiple contradictory statements. Named in honor of Donald Trump, who makes such statements frequently, and usually gains approval, and thus votes, from people who see their desired side of them.
Two different, commonly observed trumpterpretations:

"Donald Trump tweeted multiple times global warming is a hoax. Good on him for recognizing that! His support of coal and fracking will make America great again! He's earned my vote!"

"Donald Trump is pro-nuclear and wants to bring manufacturing back to America from China, so we can do it cleanly. He's the best candidate to pick if global warming concerns you! He was lying about not believing it anyway to attract votes from denialist republican voters anyway. He's a clever persuader! He's earned my vote!"
by T-SpinTriple! June 9, 2016
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