2 definitions by Suzy Sunburn

A quick decision. Also, a spur of the moment decision based on instinct.
Exasperated by the long pause in conversation, Sylvester snapped, "Gwendolyn, I'm not asking you to ponder the deeper meaning behind me asking you if you want KFC or Chik Fil A. I just need you to make a decish so I know where to send the driver for dinner."
by Suzy Sunburn July 22, 2014
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One who spends an above average amount of time studying the habits of either "the gays" or exotic fruit

Typically characterized by a desire to hang out in gay bars, Whole Foods, or the produce section.
I always suspected that Jules was a fruitonomer, and my suspicions were confirmed when she told me she had watched "Brokeback Mountain" 348 times in the last year.
by Suzy Sunburn July 22, 2014
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