1 definition by Sunxyo

Luca: a stunning girl with a big cock

just kidding <3 i meant a stunning girl with a small cock. She doesnt have a cock but she gives off short dick energy.

She is very nice when she doesnt make you feel stupid with her intelligence. She is very smart, but only in school. outside of school she makes stupid choices that fuck up everyones day. she is caring tho, she cares alot about herself.

she is very funny.. to look at. just kidding<3 she is very beautiful if you close your eyes.

I'm mostly kidding. She is stunning and gives of strong pussy power energy. she is smart and cares about people around her. she is funny and makes me laugh everyday. she is beautiful too.
A: who is that girl with the small cock?

B: oh thats Luca! She doesnt have a small cock its a strong pussy!
by Sunxyo June 11, 2021
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