1 definition by Sunoosvalentines

Aka my blueberry muffin cupcake angel baby pie croissant macaron
The most amazing immaculate flawless superfragilisticexpialadocious Person to ever walk the earth
The day sunoo was born, his father cried because he knew he would never be better than the one and only kim sunoo.
The one, the myth, the legend, ladies and gentlemen, KIM SUNOO
Did you know that in 23. AD, somewhere in Ancient Rome, people were freezing to death! BUT NO MORE as kim sunoo shone his light and saved 43.9 million people! THANK YOU KIM SUNOO for we would not be alive without him.
kim sunoo saved the dinosaurs from the asteroid 2.8 billion years ago with his bear hands.
Kim sunoo was the one who led the riots and actually beheaded Marie Antoinette, leading to freedom and equality for all.
by Sunoosvalentines December 12, 2022
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