56 definitions by Submitters of Words

The correct term for someone who does not believe in the existence of Santa.

Most people above the ages of 6 or 7 years old, basically.
Most people are by default asantists, although I've met a few who believed well into their high school years!
by Submitters of Words June 22, 2011
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The singlemost effective pickup line in existence. Try it.
Think about it: You cut right to the chase. Ok sure, statistically, only 1 in 100 women will say yes. And you might get some people mad along the way. But it's still a time saver since you don't have to indulge in any long conversation/pointless flirting etc.
Also, you'll be surprised at how many women appreciate the frank honesty associated with it. No games!
So, whaddya say?
Wanna have sex?
by Submitters of Words June 28, 2011
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Literally "belief lover".

As for the previous poster, you fool that's not what credophile means. Credophile is an awesome term coined originally by the writer L. Sprague de Camp, in a letter to James Randi.

It's a label for those who appear particularly gullible and are particularly inclined to believe whatever claims come their way. (See Scientologist).
To quote de Camp directly,

A credophile gets positive pleasure from belief and pain from doubt... The credophile collects beliefs the way a jackdaw does nest ornaments: not for utility but for glitter. And, once having embraced a belief, it takes something more than mere disproof to make him let go.
by Submitters of Words April 3, 2011
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Contrary to popular conservative belief, political correctness is not a solely left-wing phenomenon.
Examples of conservative correctness:

frankfurters became "hot dogs" during world war I

french fries became freedom fries in 2003

David Horowitz's "Academic Bill of Rights"

attempts to "teach the controversy" by creationists in biology courses, and global warming deniers in environmental science courses

Any number of campaigns against plays or films, such as Life of Brian or Jesus Christ Superstar, on the grounds that they are "offensive to Christians;" conservative Catholic groups are particularly fond of this tactic

Encouragement of anti-gay activists to eschew the words "gay" and "homosexual" in favor of such phrases as "unnatural vice" and "anti-Christian"

Global warming deniers whining about being called "deniers." They prefer the term "skeptic."

"Enhanced interrogation techniques"

"Homicide bombing"

Atheist billboards are seen as insensitive to Christians.

Republicans changing the names of committees in the House of Representatives to change "labor" to "workforce" and remove any mention of "civil rights"

Free speech zones

The Dixie Chicks causing controversy by criticizing George Bush

ward churchill getting blasted to high heavens for insulting innocent americans (although this was definitely justified)

The whole fox news "war on christmas" nonsense

Conservatives are just as PC as liberals!
by Submitters of Words June 10, 2011
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Conservatives. They tend to think largely in terms of absolutes. Now don't get me wrong, absolute values are important - by no means do I support moral relativism - but it's necessary to recognize the many shades of grey involved in individual cases too. That is, after all, what situational ethics is all about.
I suspect that many of the conservatives I've met don't recognize these gray areas largely because of their absolutist religious upbringing.

A few scenarios:
A nine year old girl, tragically, is raped and impregnated by her stepfather. What to do? According to the religious absolutist, abortion is, under all circumstances, 100% wrong. Unless the birth is life-threatening, she can't abort.

Moderate: I don't normally support abortion, but here it's necessary.
Liberal: I think abortion is a right that belongs to the mother. I would support her right to choose if this girl was nine or twenty nine, raped or non-raped. (although i would personally disapprove of it in the latter).
Conservative: Fucking baby killers! It's an innocent fucking BABY we're talking about!
(as opposed to a non-sentient cluster of cells, lacking a nervous system and the ability to feel pain)

I had a much better example but the stupid character limit fucked me over.

See my future definition, Conservative Black and White Thinking Disorder for that one.
I blame religion for turning so many conservatives into black and white thinkers.

And this is why I dislike religion - it so often stops people from thinking. If people were encouraged to think in terms of individual cases as opposed to coming to each and every unique situation with a preconceived bias (abortion is MURDER!)...well, I don't know. We might have a better world. Just maybe.
by Submitters of Words June 14, 2011
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I've seen definitions 10,000 "characters" long, but for some reason we're restricted to only 1500 now. Which sucks.
The Super Fucking Obnoxious 1500 Character Limit is the worst thing to happen to this site in a long time... some definitions are meant to be long, people!
by Submitters of Words June 14, 2011
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According to the Republicans, global warming is a non-issue because even if it's real, their Cosmic Babysitter will drop in and save them in the end. Yippeeeeee!
by Submitters of Words June 10, 2011
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