19 definitions by Student


The Spanish "ER" verb meaning to teach Biology terribly.

Can be conjugated into all forms of present, past and future tenses with no irregular endings

Example: Present tense, Yo-Geisingo
El profesora geisinge biologia.
by Student March 5, 2005
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bitch ass lit teacher. also known as satins minion.
by Student June 3, 2004
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Total crackhead who sux dick for a living. She also teaches classes that are not hers.
Inturrupting: "Hey guys whats up? Today we will be doing our vocab work. Get your vocab books out."
Kid: "Wait are you our teacher? I didn't think so! Bitch!"
by Student April 15, 2005
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1: Often shouted phrase of Mr. Blackburn.
2: Phrase used at Hermitage High School, although nobody really know what it means...
Good job on eating luch there, Paw Power!!!!!
by Student March 7, 2003
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A word used by the "Hornetz" of Staples High School in Westport, CT as a call, signifying victory or announcing an event. The Hornetz harass opposing teams at basketball games by jeering and conducting other mischief (ex: urinating on their property in the locker room). They can be recognized by their Charlotte Hornets hats.
"Hornetz, holla back!"
by Student June 20, 2003
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To be statatorily raped by an older man, usually a security guard at a middle school.
Oh dag, that girl got natoshed at recess by that wierd guy.
by Student July 15, 2003
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There is no real cafeteria so underclassmen run around hoping birds won't shit on them. Many girls don't wear the same outfit once and have new drama every fucking day. The girl's drama always involves a guy. While the hardcore raider fans aka ghetto kids drive nice cars to school but act like they are from compton. The guys think they are hot shit if they get wasted every weekend and most the kids at school drive nicer cars than the teachers. A SRV student's weekend consists of looking for a place to get drunk than ending up at inn n out. Most kids at the school are either stupid or smart.
Girl 1: Ashley totally hooked up with Jason at the party last night!!
Girl 2: What a bitch!!
Raider guy 1: I am going to key that bitch's escalade!!
Raider Guy 2: Yea lets fuck that shit up!
by Student January 26, 2005
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