1 definition by Student A

A relatively young magnet school where students choose a different art as a "major" and take classes in it. Students are collectively labeled and referred to by their major, each of which is characterized by a different set of traits and stereotypes. The eight art majors are: Visual Art, Dance, Drama, Piano, Classical Guitar, Orchestra, Music Production and Chorus.
The students of the school are generally known to the students of every other ("normal") high school in the county as emos, smokers, pot heads, and all-together weird. Weaver students often use their school as a an explanation of their own erratic behavior, as in "It's okay, I go to Weaver..." The student body has a reputation for being liberal, although it is home to surprisingly passionate group of intolerant right-wingers.
The school also has a tradition of employing a ridiculous mix of faculty that range from hopelessly passive to scarily bipolar.
It has also been remarked that the school and its inhabitants deserve their own reality television show, preferably on MTV as a Laguna Beach-esque spin off. This belief is based largely on the school's unbelievably high penchant for drama. Certain guys have been known to date every female in any particular major. Girls are fond of having "lesbain" phases, in other words, getting drunk-ish and making out with another girl, bragging about it, and then continuing to date in a heterosexual manner. Oh yeah, and then there was that time when one of the teachers was arrested for having sex with a student. And everybody knew about it.
A typical conversation at Weaver Academy for Performing and Visual Arts:
Dancer: Ugh. The Drama Students are soooo loud. Can we please not sing "Wicked" eighty times a day children?
Drama Student: "NO ONE MOURNS THE WICKED..."
by Student A January 4, 2009
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