3 definitions by Stew Knod

Anything that seems a little off or out of place, or a person not quite right in the head.
That cole slaw seems a little fishtaygle as if it was made 2 weeks ago.
Steer clear of Cleatus, he's been acting real fishtaygle since he ran out of meth.
by Stew Knod February 15, 2022
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Exhibiting behaviors consistent with an unhealthy lifestyle and specifically known to increase ones body mass.

Term commonly used when someone is over ordering fast food.
Dude really? Two double cheeseburgers? Your Fat Bastard Syndrome is really flaring up.
by Stew Knod February 15, 2022
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An employee of an insurer or bondsman who tags along on your adventures and is generally a buzz kill. Rarely does such a person ever stick their neck out for someone as they are only concerned with their employers profits.
"I've never seen a bond-company stooge stick his neck out like that." - Steve Zissou
by Stew Knod February 15, 2022
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