3 definitions by Squeeky

Hawtest interweb woman alive!!
Yo dude, ultraviolet be banging. Awww yeaa....
by Squeeky November 2, 2003
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Showing up to a friend's house for some prefunking empty handed and partaking of what everyone else brought.
Friend 1: Everyone is meeting at my house to prefunk before going to the bar tonight. Bring a bottle to share so we don't spend as much when we're out.

Free loading friend: Shit, I spent all my money on the new Justin Bieber CD. Guess I'll be freefunking and drink what everyone else brought.
by Squeeky July 7, 2014
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someone or something that can be considered unbelievable or sick (as in awesome)
"that was a ruthless night"
by Squeeky January 8, 2006
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