45 definitions by Spike

A little known act performed in the later Middle Ages. Wandering minstrels, usually those with few talents, would entertain onlookers by "sucking a fuck" which involved a wooden rod and a live goose. The performer would take the rod and try to gently slide it into the anal cavity of the goose without frightening it and causing it to fly away.
"Gather around as I attempt to suck a fuck."
"The entertainer wasn't very good. He tried to suck a fuck and failed miserably and his goose refused to even come near him."
"The goose looked quite content perched on top of the stick. Then we all realized the the performer wasn't using a live goose, it had been dead for hours. The man would never suck a fuck again."
by Spike July 4, 2004
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Awards ceremony held each year to commend those with unncessecarily long hair; beyond the call of duty, nature, and their barbers.
"You have long hair"
*is added to nominees list*
by Spike May 9, 2003
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Hippy, High, Drunk, Lesbian, Canadian Campers/Hikers. Cute and not cute(thats how they pair up), the best damn potato cookers in the world.
(While sitting at the campfire...)
Lesbian1: Hey, we got some potatoes. eh!?
Person1: Sweet!! Cookem up.
Lesbian2: Here ya go.
Person1: Wow!! Yer the best damn Potato Cookers in the world.
by Spike August 19, 2003
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Noun. variant of BITCH or BIZNATCH

1. An overly disagreeable woman

2. A whiney male
1. I wanted to slap that bilznatch so badly; she's been bitching all fucking day.

2. Stop being a little bilznatch, dude.
by Spike May 1, 2004
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The often amusing practise of deliberately misquoting a post to a newsgroup or forum by subtly changing one or two words in order to insert relevant - or totally irelevant - humour.
spike writes:

i need an example of a zeddit

empleh writes:

> spike writes:
> i need an example of a facial

(this is not an example of zedditing at its best)
by Spike May 3, 2003
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an action, phrase or pose that is a perfect example of someone or something named "struan".


the faithful belief that someone or something named "struan" has status equal to that of a deity or demi-god; akin to a cult.
1. "i eat cheese really really slowly; i take immense pleasure from it" - a struanism.

2. "struan is god" - a struanism principle.
by Spike May 3, 2003
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A little known but very important body part.
Oh my God! My fucking blort is inflamed again.
by Spike November 10, 2003
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