1 definition by Soy-yo

1. A Native Japanese and Western Weeaboo slang that can be attached at the suffix of any name in the place of Mr, Mrs, or Ms. This has a second meaning tied to it at times:
2. A play on the Japanese word “さんかくけい(“triangle-shape)” which can sort of sound like “さん が かっけー” or “Mr. ... (...San) is (ga) (kakkee) awesome, amazing, attractive”.

It's far more common to use it the second way with men, vs the feminine equivalent “-chan”, but San alone is a word that means Mx and therefore gender neutral, and the second definition only works when followed by an and, or completing the sentence.
"Angel∆(San) is so good at guitar. Angel∆—(San is soooooo cool)!
by Soy-yo August 26, 2020
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