31 definitions by Sonicbo0mz

The attempted flex by Ron DickSandwich, Governor of Florida and his Y’allagarchy in Tallahassee to remove the special land use permit enjoyed by Floridas’ most prolific land owner, Walt Disney World. The agreement dates back to the 1960’s and was left alone until Disney called out Ron DickSandwich about one of his fascist policies, known the world over as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Ron’s retaliation is seen as a thinly veiled playground bully move that will likely pave the way to him eventually selling timeshares or extended car warrantys over the phone as a career path.
The Battle of Reedy Creek is really heating up. I hear Disney is thinking of joining NATO!
by Sonicbo0mz May 5, 2022
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The fashion choice of radicalized Right Wing Radicals who try to overthrow the seated government of The United States of America
Capitol Police: Sir, there is a man in a viking helmet and a Chewbacca Bikini trying to get on the floor of the House of Representatives. Should we let him in, or arrest him?
Mike Pence: Seriously?
by Sonicbo0mz January 9, 2021
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A new order of social media persona that has found its self lost on social media without direct political posts to attack people with daily, so now perpetuates its self by turning anything on social media into a political argument.
Did you see the Far Side cartoon about the bears out hunting for people? Yeah, it was pretty funny until the Polidiocracy saw it and started arguing about how Bears can’t drive cars, buy guns and wear hats.
by Sonicbo0mz January 18, 2021
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The large state to the west of New Jersey that sealed the fate of The 2020 Presidential Election.
Hey, where are you from? Pennsylvania, the state that got Donald Trump fired finally. Oh you mean Thanksylvania!!
by Sonicbo0mz November 7, 2020
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Like a disease without a cure and the worst thing to happen to public education since school shootings, STD’s and dress codes. The appointed head of the Department of Education who is a supporter of Donald Trump’s desire to fund private Christian schools with taxpayer money.
Did you see what Betsy DeVirus made last year from her Scamway fortune? Yeah, probably enough to pay teachers enough to live on after she fits the public education system.
by Sonicbo0mz December 2, 2020
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People who wear their face mask below the nose, defeating the whole purpose of the face mask in the first place.
Hey, did you see our idiot coworkers today...with their face masks covering only their mouth. Yeah, what A bunch of rhinovians!
by Sonicbo0mz August 19, 2020
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Potato of the United States. AKA, Donald Trump. He’s a member of the Trump Potatriarchy that infected the White house from 2017-2021.
POTATUS did not participate in the ceremonial tradition of handing the country over to the newly elected POTUS, Joe Biden.
by Sonicbo0mz January 19, 2021
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