1 definition by Someoneisaperson

Content Throat Fuck

Is when you say hi to someone on a live stream or on a platform and they proceed to regurgitate every place you can follow them and/or spend money on them.

This can be when you are first meeting that person, or any time you try to converse with that person.

They often do it anytime anyone starts a conversation, even if they just threw up everything just moments beforehand.

This is oftentimes done by greedy people or smaller content creators that just don't know any better.
Rando: "Hi, how is your day?"
CTFer: "Hey Rando, while you are here why don't you follow me on, *insert fb link*, *insert twitter link*, *insert the current platform despite currently being there*, Then you can buy my merch, and sub to me, *insert only fans, Patreon, ko-fi links*
A new Rando: "Hi how's it going."
CTFer: "Hey New Rando, while you are here why don't you follow me on, *insert fb link*, *insert twitter link*, *insert the current platform despite currently being there*, Then you can buy my merch, and sub to me, *insert only fans, Patreon, ko-fi links*
Then proceeds to complain about no views, having no money, and ignoring everything chat says to throw up more about following their links and buying their stuff to the next person that breathes by their content.

Rinse and repeat.
by Someoneisaperson April 21, 2022
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