3 definitions by Someone with another email address

A form of phreaking where a piece of software covertly pulls data like contacts, calendar, SMS, email from a Bluetooth enabled device like a phone or laptop. Can also be used to Bluebug a phone by pretenting to be a headset or Bluejack a phone by planting contacts or even making calls.

Also a piece of experimental software for exposing weaknesses on Bluetooth phones.
I bloovered my wife's phone to see if she was cheating on me.
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To use a bluetooth device to bug someone (usually but not exclusively in the surveilance sense of the word). A bluebug attack captures the incoming and outgoing audio streams so the bugger can listen to what ever the phone can pick up.
I bluebugged my boss to see what he said about me after the meeting.
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1: Studying very heavily for an exam
2: Obsessing about geeky topics
3: Explaining things with words than non geeks can't understand
1: I've been up all night geeking for my exam
2: We're just geeking over his new phone
3: I couldn't understand a word of it they were just geeking like I was one of them
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