1 definition by Someone besides me

1 - The antonym of England, and, in certain cases, of U.S.

2 - The richiest land of the Roman Empire (Galia)

3 - The winner of several wars and battles

4 - The land of the Liberty, the Equality, and the Fraternity

5 - Homeland of the French people

6 - Great producer of wine and cheese

7 - Country with the better culinary of the world

8 - Ally of the americans in their Independence War
A English: What do you think about waterloo?

A French: What do you think about Joana d'Arc?

A English: What do you think about... ehr...

A French: What do you think about the American independence War?

A English: ...

A French: How's about Austerlitz? And the Somme?

A English: ...


A English: I shall go to France. Then I'll wrote my name on the Eiffel Tower and say that we are better educated in England.
by Someone besides me January 25, 2011
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