2 definitions by Someone Smarter than You Haha

1) A cute thing people put bombs on and drop them into buildings to cause 9/11. 2)A cute thing that drools baby powder out of it's butt and drools baby sauce out of it's mouth. It also sleeps and wears diapers. 3) Something you call a grown-up man when they are scared of a raccoon, etc.
1) Someone remade the 9/11 flight and we saw the cute babies kill us.
2) My baby drooled on the floor with it's butt and mouth.
3)Person A:Don't be a baby, it's a raccoon!!!
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1)Forgetting how to use one o in a word. 2) Something you are doing is boring you to death. Each o stands for something. Obliteratingly-Bored, Obliteratingly-Bored Obliteratingly-Bored Obliteratingly-Bored Obliteratingly-Bored.
I am dead because of how boooooring my math was. I dided.
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